Leadership Team and Construction Crew

The Leadership Committee

Our Leadership Committee consists of

  • Eileen Yamada Lamphere (President of Puyallup Valley JACL)
  • Liz Dunbar (Fundraising Lead)
  • Sharon Sobie Seymour (Project Manager)
  • Barb Mizoguchi Asahara (Design Consultant)
Photo of Leadership Committee

One of many planning meetings

Co chairs with the leadership committee

Our Honorary Co-Chairs include, Bill Weyerhaeuser and Frank and Penny Fukui

The Building Team

We have 5 imaginative and talented vendors helping to create the Remembrance Gallery

  • Belle & Wissel (B&W)
  • Mountain Construction (MT)
  • Blackmouth Design (BMO)
  • Imagine Visual Service (IVS)
  • Integrity Networks (IN)
  • Jill Randerson, Vendor Manager (VM)
The Construction Team

Left to Right front row: Jill Randerson (Vendor Mgn), Alley Kloba (IVS), Ryan Gilchrist (IVS), Eileen Yamada Lamphere (JACL Pres), Sharon Sobie Seymour (Project Mgn).
Back row, left to right: Jes Noparat (B&W), Sarah Sherwood (MC), Rich Batcheller (BMD), Dean Roberts (IN), Fred McDermott (IN), Yousman Okano (B&W).